Sunday, September 13, 2009


I often put stuff off..okay.. lets just say thats kindof stretching it.. I ALWAYS put stuff off. I am the worst about it.. not sure why... even now.. I should be packing for the drive to Hutchinson, but here I sit wondering I uh..sit here I guess. Its a curse to be a procrastinator.. life long curse. Crud I didn't get a birthmark till I was 7 man.. Should I worry about it? Heck yes I should..
I have things that need my attention. My brain always says "Do it tomorrow". Sometimes I think its that little devil that sits on my know? like in the movies? The kind that tells you things and you buy into them? Ya.. I listen when I should ignore. I don't think its any worse a sin that drinking too much or pornography or.. wait..ya, pornagraphy is pretty high on the list, okay.. cookie theft..there we go.. If I steal a cookie from my moms cookie jar? Ya..its about the same..

•S: (n) procrastination, cunctation, shillyshally (the act of procrastinating; putting off or delaying or defering an action to a later time) •S: (n) dilatoriness, procrastination (slowness as a consequence of not getting around to it) WordNet home page

Okay I went outside the Procrastinators code and found the answer to the definition for you and I am wondering WTH? What's shillyshally? New term for you guys too??
So I also looked up WHY I procrastinate? Wish I hadn't too.. Reason #1? Ya..fear of failure.. so I can't even be a screw up and procrastinate these days without the psychobabble of my fears? Well thats probably true, but I won't give anyone the satisfaction of being right.. just gives them the ammunition to find something else I screw up. Sigh... Well I better get moving getting my stuff together. I will get better about not procrastinating... tomorrow..

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